“I Just Don’t Think I Can”
“I don’t think I’ll ever have enough courage to live the life that I really want to live. I know if I really do what I want to do, I’ll be blamed, shamed and judged. And that will make me feel even worse. I might as well just accept that my life is always going to be this way and get over it. My life is not that bad. I’ve made it through this far so I might as well just settle with things as they are. I just don’t have it in me to take any risks. I’d rather stay in the safety of what I already have. “
Does that sound familiar? If so, re-read it and notice what it feels like to hear this internal dialogue playing over and over in your head. Are you able to see how much power you have given to this disempowering soliloquy? Of course you are not going to have what you want because you are 100% committed to believing that you are not capable.
Do you truly want to feel capable of making the necessary changes in your life that will have you feeling fulfilled, empowered, confident and emotionally free? This is a really important question because if you are not, then there’s no need to read any further. And if your answer is yes, then you must know that it’s a HUGE yes, because you will need to be 100% committed to a new set of beliefs.
There’s really only one basic emotion that is preventing you from creating the life you desire. It’s FEAR! Fear is one powerful message that can either move you powerfully into living your best life, or fear will keep you stuck in that internal dialogue above. You get to choose. What would it take to declare today that you are no longer willing to allow anyone or anything stop you from being unstoppable?
Here’s my answer to the question above: what it will take is the willingness to commit! That’s the biggest and possibly the hardest step of all. Without willingness to do the work, to take risks and let go of all that you fear, your stubborn self will continue to be in the driver’s seat and keep you stuck.
Action Steps:
1. Identify the area of your life that has you feeling incapable of getting what you want. Describe it in detail as to how long it’s been this way and how it makes you feel.
2. Identify this area as if you believed you were capable. Describe what you want this area of your life to look like for you and how it will make you feel.
3. Make a list of the Pros and Cons from Item 1 and Item 2. Compare the 2 lists and from your heart space, see which list feels the best.
When I do this exercise, my new commitment becomes very clear to me, both from my head as well as my heart.