I Am Fearless: 12 Elements of Fearless Living
Life coach and wellness educator Debbie Leoni presents twelve elements to empower your courageous self and fulfill your ability to live fearlessly in the life of your dreams. By putting the spotlight on embracing the statement, “I am Fearless,” you are able to experience greater fulfillment and give more to the world. Each of the twelve elements are written to guide you into the experience of your most courageous self. Enjoy the journey as you gain new perspectives and release blocks of fearlessness one chapter at a time. Choosing a fearless mindset requires the awareness and courage that are available through the exercises, meditations and stories shared throughout the book. Learn from others on the path, including the author’s personal journey, of being willing to look from a new angle and do whatever it takes to go from fear into courage. Use this book to eliminate stuck places holding you in smallness, limitation or any other form of fear. Make your insights matter by taking action on journal topics and meditation suggestions. You will ultimately move forward with a sense of eager anticipation to enjoy living fearlessly.
Daisy's Treats
Daisy is a lovable dog who helps you to tap into your intuitive self and apply the wisdom of nature available to you in every moment.
In this delightfully whimsical, yet enlightening guide, you will hear the secrets to giving and receiving unconditional love from the most legitimate source, a dog!
Daisy will teach you what matters most and how to live your life from a place of love, acceptance, gratitude, and peace, which are the treats she shares in each weekly lesson.
Master Coach Debbie Leoni shows you how to apply Daisy’s wisdom with easy, practical exercises and coaching tips for all areas of your life so you can reclaim your most unconditional self.
Pure Wealth: 26 Ways to Crazy Profitability
As co-author of this anthology, I’m proud of the book that we collaborated on and accomplished together, and I promise this will be a resource that you will use and profit from.
Get your own copy of the book, personally autographed to yourself or a dear friend, along with my special customized cover and accompanying meditation audio download for only $29.99!
Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner: Fresh Perspectives on Profitability, People, Productivity, and Finding Peace in Your Business
As successful Small Business Owners and Brilliant Practicing Experts, our authors understand the power of blending best practices and unconventional techniques to grow a business. We're sharing our winning formulas to help you determine which activities truly drive profit, how to develop and nurture people as your greatest asset, discover new approaches to be more effective and efficient, and build a peacefully performing business so you can step into your potential.
Small Business Owners no longer need to let their business success be determined by change. A new way of conducting business is here.
This is the third book in this Amazon #1 Bestselling Business Book Series for Small Business. Our annual book releases coincide with the beginning of November, which is National Entrepreneurs Month. Our endgame? Small Business success becoming more commonplace.
If you are a small business or entrepreneur that wants to create a strong foundation for growth, then this book is for you. The authors really spell out some of the most important principles of productivity, people, profitability and peacefulness that every small business owner should have. I love it when a book sparks new ideas for me to put into practice in my own business. A must-read for any small business owner.
- Georgiana Kovell | International Sales and Performance Coach & Founder of Millions of Women Strong
Being both a primary health care provider and the owner of my practice has me wearing multiple hats and serving in several roles, constantly. How I confront the decisions I'm faced with everyday impacts everything about how my business performs. That's why I'm so grateful for the collaborative effort that is Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner. This group of business experts provides insights and techniques, which are both useful and relevant to addressing the unique set of concerns pertaining to the small business owner. I plan to hang on to this reference book for years to come!
- Dr. Saima Bhatti, LAc, DOM