The Year of Abundance
I recently asked someone who is quite successful and incredibly financially secure what it felt like to not have to worry about money. He responded with a question back to me which was: What does it feel like to be healthy and fit?
His response really hit me because I was reminded of the idea that we believe the grass is always greener on the other side. And I became aware that both or our questions were based on scarcity – not enough.
No matter what our situation, no matter what we are doing or saying, there’s always something that can have us feeling without.
“When I make more money, then I’ll feel secure.”
“When I achieve ideal weight, then I’ll have confidence.”
“When I get a new job, then I’ll be fulfilled.”
“When I find the ideal partner, then I’ll be complete.”
“When my spouse changes, then I’ll be at peace.”
The truth is that none of the above statements are true, yet we believe them to be true. The result is frustration, dissatisfaction, and sometimes resignation. We continue to chase those circumstances that we think will give us the feelings that are available right here in this moment! We have become dependent on the external circumstances of our lives to make us happy and fulfilled.
The bad news is that the chase never ends if you don’t do something different. So often I have clients who have achieved the circumstances that they hoped would bring happiness only to find that they are exactly where they were when they started. So they chase the next external fix and it becomes a continuous cycle of feeling like something is missing.
The chase can stop by having the willingness and awareness to create a new experience of your life as it is today.
Let’s use the example of feeling financially insecure. The 11/28/12 edition of Forbes states: “Though there are stories of people whose lives improved after landing a big lottery pay-out, there are seemingly as many winners whose lives got worse.” This is my point! After winning the lottery, they are still chasing happiness and I’m going to bet they feel just as insecure! That’s because their internal world hasn’t shifted in a way that allows them to access the security, happiness and joy that is available no matter how much money they have!
The willingness to see something outside of what you think you know is your ticket. A new perspective awaits you.
Here’s how:
Identify the area or areas of your life that have you living in scarcity.
Make a list of all the reasons, thoughts and beliefs you hold that have you experiencing scarcity. (“I don’t have enough money, It’s not possible to get the love I need. I’ll never have enough energy.”)
Then make a list of what new thoughts and beliefs are possible by shifting your mindset into abundance. (“I have always had enough money. I have all the love that I need. I have enough energy.”)
Then choose those abundant thoughts daily!
You get to shift from a fear based life to a fearless one! NO MORE CHASING!