Have you heard of FOMO?

Ever heard of FOMO?

Yeah, it’s sort of a new buzz word that means Fear Of Missing Out.

FOMO has you continually scurrying around trying to participate in as many things as you possibly can. The result – exhaustion and more FOMO!

Oprah created an acronym to counter FOMO. She calls it JOMO – Joy Of Missing Out.

I like it and I like the one I created better. Sorry Oprah!

I call it LOMO – Love Of Missing Out!

You know the opposite of fear is love. So how about shifting FOMO into LOMO?

How might LOMO change your life?

Well, here are some of the ways FOMO is not serving you:

  • FOMO has you perpetually chasing something that you really don’t need.

  • FOMO keeps you in a scarcity mindset, feeling like you are never enough and that you will never have enough.

  • FOMO is an unhealthy, and most often unconscious behavior, that prevents you from being present.

  • FOMO creates stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

I bet you can add more to this list.

Ok, let’s talk about LOMO!

  • LOMO reminds you that you can never do it all and it’s ok!

  • LOMO offers you the opportunity to claim the moment, to live in your current experience. LOMO allows you to let go of what you think you need and enjoy the abundance you already have.

  • LOMO creates more time to relax, renew and restore your body, mind, and spirit.

  • LOMO creates calm, better health and good sleep.


So, I ask you: What is it that you are afraid of missing out of?

Here’s some homework, should you so be inclined:

Reflect and/or journal on this. Journal about how FOMO is negatively impacting you and most likely your family and friends. Consider how it has you chasing more.

And journal about how your life would change if you let go of FOMO and shifted into LOMO.

Personally, I LOVE LOMO! And I will tell you it takes a new commitment to yourself. It means you will have to let go of something. And letting go is a GOOD thing!

I hope you accept my invitation to spend time in reflection. I know you will benefit.

Since I’m all about LOMO, I’m leading a Meditation and Reflection 1-day Retreat at my house on 4/19/2020, from 9 – 4 to help you shift from FOMO to LOMO! It will feel like a soft, warm, blanket around you as you spend time in quiet, reflection and guided meditation by yours truly!

Let’s do LOMO!




Dancing with the Light and the Dark


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